Q : How do I order a bag?

A - You can easily purchase our bags through our shop online, or you can also contact us directly via e-mail and let us know which specific bag you are interested in. If, by any chance, the bag you desire is sold out or currently unavailable, please feel free to reach out to us—we might have a bag that is not listed on our website that could meet your needs.

Q / How do I pay?

A - See Payments for more detailed information regarding payment options.

Q / Are all bags one-of-a-kind? 

A - All our Antique Line clutches are truly one-of-a-kind, and while you may find some that have a similar design or style, there are absolutely no two pieces that are exactly the same. Each clutch in this collection showcases its own unique character and charm. Additionally, our Limited Edition Collections are carefully reproduced in small amounts, ensuring that each item remains special and exclusive for our customers.

Q / Where do you sell them? 

A - RvH Bags are exclusively sold directly by us and are available only at trunk shows and special events that we hold in collaboration with galleries, museums, and hotels. These unique and exquisitely crafted bags are available year-round via our official website, and exclusively at the Faena Hotel Miami Beach.

Q / Can I buy wholesale?

A - We regret to inform you that we cannot accommodate wholesale orders for the Antique Line at this time; however, we are pleased to offer our Limited Edition Collection, which is available for wholesale purchasing.

Q / Can I place a special order?

A - Rita takes great care in handling special orders personally. To ensure that your needs are met, please contact us at ritavh@ritavonhildebrand.com and let us know exactly what you would like to order. We look forward to hearing from you!